Street Smoothies


Fun, Cool & Healthy - Street Smoothie is for everyone!

Brace yourself for a flavor explosion with our irresistible Milkshakes, refreshing Ice Blends and nutritious Smoothies. Whether you're craving creamy indulgence, icy delight or a healthy option, we've got you covered!

SMOOTHIE - Get a taste of the real smoothie from Street Smoothie! Made from the freshest ingredients, so you can stay healthy while enjoying the real taste of fruits, yogurt and fresh milk combined.

MILKSHAKE - Brace yourself for the legend-dairy drink ever! The Street Smoothie milkshakes are made from the freshest milk, fruits and blended with delicious creamy ice cream.

ICE BLEND - Cooler than ice! The Street Smoothie ice blend drinks made from fresh milk blended with our signature powder that stays tasty even after the ice melts.


